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We Always Write Poems on Asynchronous Days
By Catherine Warren
Genre: Poetry
Category: UAA/ADN Creative Writing Contest

We always write poems on asynchronous days;

It's just our teacher's ways.

We of class 108 still want to laze;

Our brains filled with haze;

Yet our eyes are drawn to a poem;

And it keeps our gaze.


We always write poems on asynchronous days;

It's just our teacher's ways.

And now we of class 108 are in a poem phase;

And with writing we fill our days;

For we are in a poem craze.


We write of silver sleighs; sweeping through the night,

And of Shakespeare's plays we recite.

Yes, we always write poems on asynchronous days;

Why do you ask?

Because of the poem craze?

What poem craze? For there have been none.

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