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The Neurodivergent Mind
By Mya Fielden
Genre: Poetry
Category: UAA/ADN Creative Writing Contest

I'm going to try to have a conversation with you, but it's not going to go well.

Here's how I know.

While we're talking, I'll glance down at your shoes and see that your laces aren't looped together

And it will bother me and I'll spend the rest of our time wishing you'd fix it.

You'll stare at me funny every time I avert my eyes,

You'll think I'm being unkind, that I'm not paying you mind.
I'm sorry.

Your shoe is untied.

Or I'll start talking,

I'll start talking and I'll trip, head-on, into my jumbled sentences

And you'll squint your eyes and tilt your head like they always do.

Maybe even cut in and ask what I'm referring to.

I don't know.

I was just speaking to you.

Maybe there'll be a noise, a scratching sensation, a tapping or thumping or something.

I can't keep my brain from noticing something that invades my thoughts and pokes at my brain,

Something that honestly drives me insane.

And you look at me and say, "Pay attention, you're not being a very good friend."

My bad,

There's a sound in my head.

I might repeat things, you might have to tell me that I'm repeating things,

I might repeat things, you might have to...

Oh, I'm sorry.

Sorry that I'm trying to have a conversation with you

And that it's not working out like you wanted it to.

If you walk away I'll -


Oh my god, that reminds me,

I bounce when I walk, which I honestly find funny,

But people make fun of me for it,

That's not the funny part,

And oh god I've got this big test tomorrow that I haven't studied for

Because apparently my brain likes to procrastinate the night before-

What was I saying?

Oh yeah, this probably isn't going to go well.

I hope that's okay.

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